Nothing much to say, but honestly, i should prolly post mirrors of my art i've hoarded up on my Furaffinity for so long. Heard a policy change to FA is kinda getting the artists aggravated over there due to the vagueness of the change, and i think thats a signal i should branch out and spread more awareness of what i make, so if you see a buncha sudden activity from this account, i am currently getting alot of my art here so i have a second platform to keep up with.
If it's too risky to post it there due to the specific policy change and if it doesn't fall on it's good side, i'll post it here. so there may BE exclusives here if possible, so yeah. This site's pretty cool in it's style, makes me feel young again, y'know? Plus i should also treat this site as a Youtube Alt in case a video can't be shown there due to bullshit copyright complaints or blockage. I use whatever content i can use, reguardless of it's copyrightholders. and if i can't show it, screw you i'll show it somewhere else and guide my viewers to it!
TL:DR FA's getting kinda shaky with a new policy change of theirs, i must branch out and get this NG profile out of the dustbin of unuse.